
Task-based Tutorial - How to use ToolTips with the Infragistics UltraWinGrid

This article shows, how the ToolTipsFactory tooltips can be used together with one of the many available third-party grid-components. As a representative for this category, we picked the popular Infragistics UltraWinGrid-control. 

The theory - with code-templates - how the tooltip components can be integrated with generic grid-controls has been discussed in the section on "How to use ToolTips with grid-controls". In this section we are going to use this knowledge to integrate an ImageToolTip with the Infragistics UltraWinGrid-control into a real application. In contrast to the Microsoft DataGrid, the Infragistics UltraWinGrid-control offers more functions and events, which facilitate the integration of the ToolTipsFactory tooltips. Therefore, - due to the differences between the various grid-controls - the code presented in this example will slightly differ from the approach used in the discussed template.

This application (UltraWinGrid1) allows the user to add image-files to a UltraWinGrid-control, which lists the complete filename and the size of each file. If the cursor is moved over the grid, the ImageToolTip will pop-up and display the image of the corresponding image-file, as shown in the movie-clip below (please note: The quality of the movie does not reflect the high rendering-quality of the real tooltips):


In the following we will have a closer look at the important details in the source code of this sample application. The source-code and the corresponding Visual Studio project for this sample can be found in the "<ToolTipsFactoryHomeDir>.\Samples\UltraWinGrid1"-directory.

Also with the Infragistics UltraWinGrid-control we need to keep track of the grid-row, over which the cursor is hovering. In contrast to our generic solution, the position is stored in a data-type provided by the UltraWinGrid-control and not in a Point-structure: 

Public Class Form1

    Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form 


    'Holds the row/column-coordinates of the cell on which

    'the mouse is hovering...

    Private mCurrentCell As Infragistics.Win _ 
                .UltraWinGrid.UltraGridCell =


As we showed for the generic grid-control (in the section on "How to use ToolTips with grid-controls"), the whole logic, to keep track of the current mouse-position in terms of grid-coordinates (row/column) and to provide the tooltip with the content of the current grid-element, is located in the MouseEnter, MouseLeave and MouseMove event-handlers. This is slightly different for the UltraWinGrid-control. Of course, the needed logic is also coupled to mouse-events, but the UltraWinGrid-control provides additional mouse-related events, which make the integration even easier. 

In the generic approach, the MouseMove event-handler was also needed to determine whether a new cell or row has been reached, while the UltraWinGrid-control will fire a MouseEnterElement-event to signal this state. Only if this event is fired, it will be necessary to test, if the current row has changed. The use of the MouseEnterElement-event allows to integrate the ToolTipsFactory tooltips with only two instead of three event-handlers, as in the generic approach.

As can be seen from the listings below, this implementation differs only insofar from the generic approach, as it is easier and needs less code:

Private Sub dgImages_MouseEnterElement(ByVal sender As Object, _
                            ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UIElementEventArgs) _
             Handles dgImages.MouseEnterElement

    'Translate the current MousePosition into

   'grid-coordinates (row/column)...

    Dim cell As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridCell

    cell = e.Element.GetContext(GetType(Infragistics _



   'If the cursor points to no cells in the grid (free space)...

    If IsNothing(cell) Then

        '..any still visible tooltip has to be switched off.

        Me.ImageTT.Reset(dgImages, True)

         mCurrentCell = Nothing

        Exit Sub

    End If

    'If the mouse did not move on to another row, the image to

    'be displayed in the tooltip is still the same and no further action

    'is required.

    If Not mCurrentCell Is Nothing Then

        If cell.Row Is mCurrentCell.Row Then

           mCurrentCell = cell 'maybe the column did change.

           Exit Sub

        End If

    End If

    'The cursor has crossed the border to another row since the

    'last MouseMove-event. Therefore the new row becomes the

    'current row.

    mCurrentCell = cell

    'The cursor points to a normal datarow. Therefore

    'we can initiate the display of the image in the tooltip.

    'But before the new image is loaded and displayed by the tooltip,

    'the tooltip with the previous image should be turned off first.

    '(This is not necessary for small images, because they load

    'almost instantly, but with large images it is possible that the

    'old image is displayed to long over the current row, what can be

    'confusing for the user.)

    Me.ImageTT.Reset(dgImages, True)

    'To get the actual image, it has to be loaded from file first.

    'The filename of the image is stored in Column 0 of the grid.

    Dim filename As String = mCurrentCell.Row.Cells(0).Text

    'We should first check, if the file really exists, before

    'we try to load and assign it to the tooltip.

    If IO.File.Exists(filename) Then

        ImageTT.Start(dgImages, Image.FromFile(filename))

    End If

End Sub

Private Sub dgImages_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, _

                                ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _

                    Handles dgImages.MouseLeave

    'As soon as the mouse leaves the grid, it can't be

    'pointing to a datarow or cell. Therefore we switch it "off"

    Me.ImageTT.Reset(dgImages, True)

     mCurrentCell = Nothing

End Sub