Abstraction Systems Products Support

Abstraction Systems is not only dedicated to provide application developers with reliable high quality components and tools, but to also provide the best possible support. (See "Support Policies" for our general upgrade and support policies.) can be reviewed in  The following services/options are available:

Product Registration  >>

If you have purchased an Abstraction Systems product, please use the Registration Form to register your license. Registering your product license allows you to join the Abstraction Systems mailing list; to receive important information about Abstraction Systems products, including announcements of new releases; and makes you eligible for special Abstraction Systems offers.
In addition, registered owners of subscription licenses will automatically get new license keys for new releases of the registered product.

Frequently Asked Questions >>

Here you'll get answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ's) about the ToolTipsFactory components. (Because the ToolTipsFactory is a new product, we need questions to build this list. Therefore, if you have any questions about the ToolTipsFactory components and their usage, please submit them to the support channels listed below.)

Submit Support Issues / Questions  >>

We provide free technical e-mail and Web support to all registered users.You can submit support incidents or inquiries directly through our Web Support Form.

Submit suggestions/comments  >>

Because we want to continuously improve our products and provide our customers the tooltips-technology they really need, we invite you to send us your ideas, comments and suggestions on what you'd like to see included in future releases of the ToolTipsFactory.You can submit suggestions and comments directly through our Web Form.

Other online resources  >>

Through the Online Resources Center you'll get access to product updates with bug fixes and new features, new task-based tutorials and sample applications, as well as new ToolTipsFactory tooltip-designs and other resources to create tooltip-layouts .



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